Friday, June 8, 2012

Creative anecdote/intro

Creative Anecdote
Say you or someone you know gets admitted into the ICU. In your private room, you see a few things that you have never seen in a hospital room. All of a sudden, a monitor that’s in the corner of your room turns on and there you see your nurse staring back at you. At first you can’t decide if whether or not that is actually her. Then she starts talking and you realize she can hear you too! That’s what the tele-ICU is. It is not designed to scare patients by any means however; the thought of it can be a little intimidating.
This brings me to introduce my argumentative claim. I think this technology is going to better our hospitals around the country. It has amazing potential in many aspects. It has the ability to be a second set of eyes for many patients at a time, always watching and waiting. When an alert of any kind goes off, the tele-ICU nurse looks inside the patients room with the camera and sees what the cause of this alarm is, and from there the tele-ICU can decide what steps to take to fix the problem. This system has a faster response time than regular nurses because they don’t have to run around the hospital to get to the patients room. All they need to do is turn on a camera. Because of this, mortality rates have gone down in hospitals that have the tele-ICU. Furthermore, it is a great teaching tool for new nurses to the field.
            I will also address the problems associated with this technology and its direct effect on nurses themselves. No one single thing can fix EVERYTHING, so I will also be addressing this in my argumentative paper.

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